Purple Heart Day – August 7

Today is Purple Heart Day.  Please take a moment today to reflect on our memories of these classmates who answered the call and sacrificed so much for our country. 
Robert Ray Chenoweth (Bob, Squaw) – US Army 1967 – 1969, Recon Sgt Forward Observer, 2nd of the 39th Recondos, Vietnam


Gary Lee Hausman – US Army April 3, 1967 – November 25, 1968, 101st Airborne Division, Recon, Vietnam


Juan Estrada Ramirez (Johnny) – US Marine Corps 1965 – 1969, Company K of 3rd Division, 4th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Vietnam


Jimmy Alan Miller (Jim) US Army January 1966 – January 1969, Combat Infantryman Radio Operator, 1st Air Calvary, 173rd Airborne Brigade, 1 1/2 years Siagon Security, Company C, 52nd Infantry, 716th MP Brigade, returned to Vietnam after discharge for 3 1/2 more years working in construction


Mark George Williamson – US Navy 1966 – 1970, Hospital Corpsman with 7th Marines, Vietnam


Jerry Marco Roberts – US Army 1966 – 1967, 199th Light Infantry Brigade, killed December 11, 1967, Vietnam



Michael Fredrick McMurren (Mike, Bird Dog) – US Army, died September 18, 1976 from combat injuries, Vietnam


Ronald Leroy Rodeman (Ron) US Marine Corp, Sergeant, Vietnam, passed away March 18, 2018, Fort Richardson National Cemetery, Alaska


Arthur Lloyd Adams, Jr (Art, Artie, Art Jr, Little Art), US Navy 1966 – 1968, Builder/Hydraulics, Navy Construction Battalion (SeaBees), killed August 23, 1968, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam


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