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An Interesting Series – Vietnam

May 22, 2024 admin 0
I found this interesting….although my brother was there, he didn’t talk about it, but I’m curious, so this helps. Fox Nation Presents Vietnam: Footsteps of My Father with Harris Faulkner Fox Nation Presents Vietnam: Footsteps of My Father with Harris Faulkner… Read More
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Update Notice – Barry Floyd Tribute

April 16, 2024 admin 0
There has been a Loveland City Council date change to the below proclamation of “Barry Floyd Day” by the Loveland City Council.  The city council meeting date to make the proclamation has been changed to Tuesday, April 30th with the same time of 6:00 PM.  Please change your calendars to April 30th, and hope to see you there.    Diane McInturff is also inviting meeting attendees to her house for socializing and snacks at her house after the council meeting. Please contact me if you need the address.   Doug… Read More

Tribute to Barry Floyd – One of Loveland’s Favorite Sons

March 7, 2024 admin 0
Diane McInturff has asked me to inform our class of an upcoming event.  The City of Loveland has declared May 2nd as “Barry Floyd Day”, which happens to be his birthday.  In preparation for that day, the Loveland City Council is making a formal announcement at their council meeting on Tuesday, April 16th, at 6:00 PM, located at City Council Chambers, 500 E. 3rd St., which is the former Washington school house.  City Council will make a formal Proclamation at this council meeting announcing May 2nd to be designated “Barry Floyd Day” in Loveland, Colorado.  Diane is inviting our Class of… Read More