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Time Capsule Progress for The Class of 1965

March 1, 2024 admin 0
From Terry Bland:   Doug I know you have been wondering what I have been working on.  Let me back track a bit. When we had our last class get together on Friday I met with the principal, Michael James, of Loveland High.  He to set up the display that had been removed when the school became Red Wolves. I showed him several items that are planned for the time capsule and he asked if he could keep them there and he would give them back when the time capsule was ready.  Well we have about reached that time.   … Read More
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Veteran Panel Members Needed

February 1, 2024 admin 0
  Fellow LHS Veterans,   You may remember back about three years ago or so, I had put out a request for LHS Veterans to write a bio on themselves with the plan to post them on a couple of hallway walls in the LHS building.  I received 89 bios and many of them are hanging in the LHS building today with that display to be enhanced in the near future.    Sgt Major Harold Johnson, who started the project, is now part of the Veterans Honoring Veterans committee and runs their website (  Sgt Major is in the planning… Read More