You make us proud!
Cheryl Bader Thornton has, again, recently received a pretty substantial award as a result of her life-long music career.
The two documents explain it all. The MTNA is a national organization that “nurtures the creation, performance, study and teaching of music.” According to the attached letter, Cheryl has been “designated as an MTNA Foundation Fellow” and will be recognized during the Conference Gala at the 2025 National Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota held on Monday, March 17th.
Cheryl Thornton 2025 Foundation Fellow Congratulations Letter
December 12, 2024
Cheryl Lynn Thornton
10004 Wonderful Day Drive
Las Vegas NV 89148
Cheryl Lynn Thornton
10004 Wonderful Day Drive
Las Vegas NV 89148
Dear Cheryl:
It is with pleasure that I inform you of your official designation as an MTNA FOUNDATION Fellow. This honor is
bestowed by friends and colleagues upon individuals like yourself who have made a significant and substantial impact
upon their lives. They confer this special status through a generous contribution to the MTNA FOUNDATION on your
behalf. It is indicative of their deep and abiding gratitude for your life and work.
bestowed by friends and colleagues upon individuals like yourself who have made a significant and substantial impact
upon their lives. They confer this special status through a generous contribution to the MTNA FOUNDATION on your
behalf. It is indicative of their deep and abiding gratitude for your life and work.
As a new MTNA FOUNDATION Fellow, you will be recognized during the Conference Gala at the 2025 National
Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Gala will be held on Monday, March 17. To receive the early conference
registration price, register on or before December 16, 2024. When registering online, select the MTNA Gala – 2025
Fellow option for your ticket to the event. You must enter the promotional code FEL25LOW when checking out to
receive your complimentary ticket.
Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Gala will be held on Monday, March 17. To receive the early conference
registration price, register on or before December 16, 2024. When registering online, select the MTNA Gala – 2025
Fellow option for your ticket to the event. You must enter the promotional code FEL25LOW when checking out to
receive your complimentary ticket.
Please ensure your Fellow Coordinator, Allison Olson, has submitted a photo and two bios (one 100-word bio for the
gala book and one 40-word bio to be read as the introduction as you walk to the stage) to MTNA by January 13, 2025.
In addition, please complete the online publicity information sheet if you wish to have a press release sent to media
outlet(s) in your area. Below is a link to the publicity sheet for your convenience,
gala book and one 40-word bio to be read as the introduction as you walk to the stage) to MTNA by January 13, 2025.
In addition, please complete the online publicity information sheet if you wish to have a press release sent to media
outlet(s) in your area. Below is a link to the publicity sheet for your convenience,
Questions regarding your Fellow award may be directed to Jennifer Thomason, executive assistant at (888) 512-5278,
ext. 235, Please let her know before February 10, 2025, if you plan to attend the Gala to be
recognized or if you have already purchased a Gala ticket
ext. 235, Please let her know before February 10, 2025, if you plan to attend the Gala to be
recognized or if you have already purchased a Gala ticket
Cheryl, you are very loved and respected by your colleagues and friends. This is evident from the generous donations
we have received on your behalf. Your contributions to the music profession have inspired and will continue to inspire
teachers and students everywhere.
we have received on your behalf. Your contributions to the music profession have inspired and will continue to inspire
teachers and students everywhere.
Yours truly,
Brian Shepard
Chief Executive Officer
cc: Spencer Baker, NCTM, Nevada MTA President
Allison Olson, Nevada MTA FOUNDATION Ch
Brian Shepard
Chief Executive Officer
cc: Spencer Baker, NCTM, Nevada MTA President
Allison Olson, Nevada MTA FOUNDATION Ch
About MTNA Foundation – Click Here