Fellow LHS Veterans,
You may remember back about three years ago or so, I had put out a request for LHS Veterans to write a bio on themselves with the plan to post them on a couple of hallway walls in the LHS building. I received 89 bios and many of them are hanging in the LHS building today with that display to be enhanced in the near future.
Sgt Major Harold Johnson, who started the project, is now part of the Veterans Honoring Veterans committee and runs their website (veteranshonoringveterans.org). Sgt Major is in the planning stages of setting up the website to post northern Colorado Veterans bios and wants to have a section for the LHS Veteran bios on this website. I am extending another invitation to those of you who haven’t done so yet, to write up a bio on yourself and email it to me at your earliest convenience. The basics of the bio should include your full name, branch of service, your rate and rank when discharged, date inducted and date discharged, any pictures of you in military uniform, and then a paragraph or more that describes where you served and what you did for daily work, and anything else you would deem important and/or interesting to the reader. I have attached a few bios to give you an idea of the range of the bios I have received that may help you to write yours.
There is no deadline for sending them in but a reasonable time would be appreciated. Obviously, we will accept any bios into the future and can easily add them in as they arrive.
Thanks everyone for your input to this project.
Doug Margheim – Class of 1965
Hello and thanks again to those who have participated in past years and each year it just seems to get better, I do, this year have a mechanism to record each session and stream it out. So we will be doing that this year, more information to follow. If you are planning to attend please register using the following link: Register Here or scan the QR code on the attached flyer. This will help us with getting the numbers to expect for lunch and to tailor each session based on who is attending. Lunch again will be provided by our Culinary students. I look forward to seeing everyone again for what should be another great seminar and thanks for taking the time to help educate our students.
Harold “AJ” Johnson
Old Retired Sergeant Major Guy
On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 9:41 AM Brad HOOPES <brad.hoopes@rememberandhonor.com > wrote:
Hello,I would like to piggyback on to this email if I may. I have a passionate project of interviewing and preserving the stories of veterans. If anyone would be interested in sitting down and telling their story, I would love to capture it. The main objective of the project is to simply get your story down for you and your family, so never to be lost or forgotten. A secondary objective, only done with the veteran’s permission, is to donate a copy to the Library of Congress and/or put it on a Youtube channel I started, so that the public can view these and learn about our veterans and what they experienced. I’ve attached the information I usually send out ahead of time to those who might be interested. Also, here is the link to the Youtube channel if you would like to view some of the stories and get an idea of what the interview is like.Look forward to the program and seeing many of you in a few months.-Brad